Your positioning with storytelling
How do you align your positioning and offer to the market? Which niche and which customer would you start with if you had to fire the last shot of your flare rocket to be seen by a ship on the open sea? There are many container ships, a few fishing boats and very few cruise
How To Be More Confident On Camera
Anybody can tell a story if they really want to. This bonus part should help you to do it better. The difference between telling a story live on stage at an event or talking into a camera in a closed studio isn’t as big as you’ll see below. The live conditions before a performance usually
Storytelling Rhetoric
In addition to the actual content, the way you present your story also comes into its own when you tell it. With this checklist you can check and optimize your voice and body language to suit your speech.
Easy Cliffhanger Storytelling Techniques
The cliffhanger, which is often used in series in order not to lose the viewer at the end, offers a special method for building up tension. Weekly TV series manage to keep their audience for days or weeks by building up their curiosity with a cliffhanger. Cliffhanger literally means that the protagonist is attached to
Video storytelling for branding
While the turning points increase the tension and provide an emotional effect in the punch line, the core statements of a narrative help to make a call to action plausible. Especially in branding and marketing, storytelling is used to put the listener in a constructive state to follow an appeal or call to action at
A Storytelling Example
To choose the main character you have to know your customers well or choose a single customer you want to meet with the story. Choose a character for the character that has certain things in common without appearing artificial. The easiest way to create a credible avatar is to use a real person. That’s why